CAT Crash Analysis Tools

Use the live timeline panel with
Google Street View 20-second cycle of detailed analysis

Precise data driven by:

  • GPS
  • 3D Accelerometer
  • Google Maps with road speed limits,
    satellite and street view
  • CAN Data

Crash Analysis Tools

  • The CAT application allows one to analyze a road accident with high precision. CAT presents data ranging from 10 seconds before to 10 seconds after the road accident.
  • CAT Give every user instant access to the smart timeline panel with Google Street View, impact data, force directions and more.
  • Accident data is stored on the cloud and available from any computer with internet access.
  • At the time of the accident, data is automatically sent to the Crash Analysis Tool server. AI analysis allows for easy reconstruction of the accident
  • Telematics devices with the BlackBox feature allow recording of data with a very high frequency. Data is stored in the cache in the time loop, which contains all the parameters.